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The Disabled Students’ Allowance Modernisation: July 2022 Update.

22nd July 2022, 1 minute read
Antony Ruck
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In February, Aventido CEO, Antony Ruck, gave a video update on the modernisation of the Disabled Students’ Allowance scheme for England and Wales.

He ended the update with the news that a further update will take place in July 2022.

The Disabled Students' Allowance Modernisation Update

The DSA Modernisation: July 2022 Update.

In the video below, Antony Ruck gives an overview of the latest update on the DSA Modernisation by answering the following questions:

  • Has there been an update on the DSA tender that was expected in July 2022?

  • What do you know about the bid groups that have made it through to the next round? Any surprises?

  • Does the result so far satisfy the aims of Student Finance England and Student Finance Wales?

  • Are all parties currently working in the DSA actively bidding or are some planning to subcontract when the dust settles?

  • What happens next and what are the timescales?

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about the DSA Modernisation or would simply like to be kept up to date then please follow Aventido on LinkedIn by clicking the banner below.

Photo of Antony

Antony Ruck

Chief Executive Officer

Antony has been part of the AT industry since 1999, working with manufacturers, publishers, standards organisations and service providers to deliver first class products and customer experience.

In addition to being the co-founder and CEO of Aventido Limited, he has also provided volunteer support for the British Standards Institute, co-created ATEC (the Assistive Technology Exhibition and Conference), been Chair of BATA, and is the first co-Chair of the newly formed DATEurope.

In 2015 Antony was elected Chair of BATA (the British Assistive Technology Association), a UK membership organisation for AT publishers and manufacturers, service providers, the Assessment community, Trainers, AT users, and Blue-Chip organisations. BATA campaigns for the rights and interests of those needing Assistive Technology, working in collaboration with Government departments such as the Cabinet Office, the Home Office, DfE and DWP.

During his tenure at BATA, and recognising the changing commercial and political landscape in Europe, Antony has worked with colleagues from the UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy to found DATEurope – a new European association to represent the digital assistive technology industry.

Antony has presented on the advancement of assistive technology and the AT industry at events such as ATIA, BETT, ATEC, OneCPD, NNAC, ATF Switzerland, and The Workplace Health and Wellbeing Show.



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