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  • Need to use Welsh in the workplace? Check out these handy taster courses for learning Welsh.

Need to use Welsh in the workplace? Check out these handy taster courses for learning Welsh.

23rd February 2023, 1 minute read
Mary Wilcox
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The Welsh Government aims to have 1 million Welsh speakers in Wales by 2050. Currently, resources and legislation are being put in place to promote the use of the Welsh language within the Education and Workplace sectors.

Aventido has been sharing how the text-to-speech software, ReadSpeaker TextAid, is a useful tool for anyone within Education or the Workplace who needs to be able to read and write in Welsh. The software enables the user to get Welsh text read out loud from a screen thus improving comprehension and language skills.

The video from Mary Wilcox shows how Welsh is supported within ReadSpeaker TextAid.

ReadSpeaker TextAid is great for working with Welsh text but many adults in Wales are increasingly looking for ways to learn how to speak the language and as such ReadSpeaker TextAid is a useful resource when used in combination with other learning materials.

Want to try learning Welsh?

The Welsh Government is now providing free Welsh learning taster courses for adults who need to learn Welsh.

Find out about the available Welsh language learning taster courses from the Welsh Government.

Final comments.

If you found the above video useful and would like to know more about using TextAid in the workplace or would like further training then use the banner below to contact Mary Wilcox.

Photo of Mary

Mary Wilcox

Senior Solutions Expert

Mary has worked in the assistive technology sector since 2016 with experience in demonstrating software at both virtual and physical events.

Prior to working in Assistive Tech, Mary was a primary school teacher and uses her knowledge of teaching, learning styles and specific learning difficulties to educate people about assistive technology in a relaxed and easy-to-understand manner.

At Aventido, Mary continues to help people use Assistive Technology; providing webinars, presentations and training



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