MindMeister helps Neurodiverse students in Higher Education to write better coursework.
Imagine what it is like for some neurodiverse students who are asked to write essays for their university course. Some may sit down and have all the ideas in their heads about what they want to write about but can’t seem to get them down on paper. They may experience overwhelm as they juggle the need to nurture a creative flow against the concerns about how the content actually reads and what mark they will get for it.
For many reasons, communicating learning on paper can be really difficult for some neurodiverse students and so when feeling stuck, it is time to find a new strategy.
Welcome MindMeister mindmapping software!
The team at Aventido are really excited to be able to supply MindMeister into the Disabled Students’ Allowance Scheme because it provides students with a new way to write lengthy coursework that reduces overwhelm and improves the accuracy of the resultant essays.
Students with neurodiverse profiles related to Dyslexia and ADD/ADHD may particularly benefit from using a mind mapping tool to help them explore ideas and formulate how they want to present those ideas for coursework.
How does MindMeister help neurodiverse students with essay writing?
In the video below, John Hicks from the Studying With Dyslexia Blog provides a quick demonstration of how to write essays using MindMeister and how using MindMeister can help the student to take advantage of their creative strengths and get all their learning down on ‘paper’ in a way that is fun and less overwhelming. Then they can take all that learning and convert it into an essay easily at which point the student can use their own spelling and grammar checking strategies to enhance the readability of their essays.
Find out more about MindMeister.
Our product specialist, Ryan will be providing further demonstrations and training sessions on MindMeister and if you would like to find out more about these sessions or have a question for Ryan then click the banner below.