Get an overview of some key assistive technology for studying.
One of the challenges of knowing that there is technology available that can help with studying especially if the student is neurodiverse or experiences other barriers to education is knowing which software is useful for any particular educational need.
At Aventido, we are passionate about sharing information that enables potential users of assistive technology to be confident that they have the most appropriate solutions that are matched to their needs.
So where should you start if you are new to the concept of assistive technology and need an overview of the different types available?

On August 10th at 9am, our Product Specialists will be demonstrating four types of technology that can help with studying, via a webinar.
These are:
TextAid - Software that reads out text on screens and gives access to electronic documents such as academic papers and electronic text books.
Lightkey - Software that helps the user to write with confidence using advanced Artificial Intelligence assist one's writing skills.
OrCam - One of the latest examples of handheld text reading devices that gives the user access to listening to text from any printed media.
Pro-Study - Pro-Study is the leading software for taking the stress out of collecting, organising and referencing research for your assignments.
Each of our Product Specialists will take ten minutes to demonstrate their specialist product and be on hand to answer any questions that you may have. Forty minutes, four products, lightning fast overview of key assistive technology that can help your student.
Join us for this really useful webinar and you will go away with a deeper knowledge of how assistive technology could be useful to students as well as adults in the workplace.