Disabled Students’ Allowance Modernisation November 2022 Update.
In July, we shared an update on the current process that is taking place in modernising the Disabled Student’s Allowance scheme. In that update, we were told to expect another update in November 2022.
Since then we have seen the change of two Prime Ministers, a disastrous mini-budget, and a cost of living crisis taking place.
So how has the process of modernising the Disabled Student’s Allowance Scheme faired under the current political turmoil and what can we expect?
In the video update below, Aventido CEO, Antony Ruck, shares an update on what is happening and what to expect next by answering the following questions:
1) Has there been an update?
2) What is the update?
3) What were the two messages that came out as part of the update?
4) If this is an interim update, when can we expect a full update?
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