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Aventido is seeking members for the Pro-WorkSpace Pre-Release User Group.

26th April 2022, 1 minute read
Aventido Admin
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The team at Aventido is excited to be working towards bringing out a software product that helps researchers within the fields of Law, Medicine, and Media who are experiencing neurodiversity and challenges with being organised and productive.

One of the strengths of being neurodiverse can be the ability to engage with multiple streams of new information and creative learning, however, challenges with focus, concentration, time management, and memory can often ‘douse the flames' of curiosity.

Pro-Workspace is a piece of software that helps researchers be more organised, and productive as well as save them lots of time.

Later this year, Aventido will be launching Pro-Workspace, software that collates research and makes it easily collatable and reportable. It helps with making the process of researching online as well as with printed media as straightforward as possible making sure that all the information collected is easily found at a later date, all in one place with accurate and quotable citations.

The video below explains what is coming:

Pro-Workspace Animated Explainer

Before we go for launch we want to find 20 neurodiverse individuals who work in law, medicine or media who would like free access to this software in return for product feedback that can be used to improve the software as well as market it.

If you feel that this could be useful to you or someone you know, please click the button below and apply to become one of a limited number of users in our Pro-Workspace Pre-Release User Group.

Full training and support will be given to you and at the end of the process, you will keep your copy of Pro-Workspace and reap the benefits of using it in your day-to-day research activities.

Apply to become a member of the Pro-Workpace Pre-Release User Group


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